Listen To This Episode: Welcome to the 100th episode of the Mindset First podcast! I’m so excited to have reached this milestone and share with you this week someone I met a few years back when I was still...
Episode #99: The Real Reason You Get Off Track & Abandon Your Goals
Listen To This Episode: This past weekend I attended a conference in Orlando where I had the honor of delivering the keynote speech on redefining success and optimizing your business. But before I ever began...
Episode #98: Adding Digital Products as A Service Provider: Identifying the Right Move for You with Katie Hunt
Listen To This Episode: As a service provider who directly works with clients one-on-one, the time in exchange for money game can get tiring. But should you add digital products to help you create other...
Episode #97: Do You Really Want to Grow: Unconscious Commitments to Less
Listen To This Episode On this week’s episode of the Mindset First Podcast, I tackle an important topic - unconscious commitments. The reality is that many business owners will say they want next level growth in...
Episode #96: The Importance of Owning Your Voice In Making An Impact
Listen To This Episode: On this week’s podcast episode, I dive into the topic of owning your voice in making an impact. I think these days as our personal lives and business lives blend more and more as...
Episode #95: When No One Looks Like You: A Powerful Success Story with Samar Owais
Listen To This Episode: So, how do you succeed in business when no one else looks like you in your industry. That’s the question my guest Samar Owais tackles on today - she is a self described brown, Hijabi...
Episode #94: How Growth Mindset Becomes Fixed Around Business Growth
Listen To This Episode: A few years ago, Carol Dweck introduced the idea of growth mindset versus fixed mindset in her appropriately named book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. She...
Episode #93: Secrets to Scaling Your Business with A Team
Listen To This Episode: One of the first things you’ll hear from experts about scaling your business is that you need a team. But where do you start? Who do you hire first? And how do you find the money to make...
Episode #92: I’ll Work On This Later & Other Mindset Traps That Halt Success
Listen To This Episode: It’s easy to push business strategies off to the side - especially when life and business get busy. You tell yourself you’ll get to it later, only to push ideas off to the side repeatedly...
Episode #91: Perfect your pre-launch strategy to get more sales with Ash Chow
Listen To This Episode: When it comes to launching your products or services, there is a ton of talk in the marketing world about what you should do during your launch to maximize your sales. But there is this...
Episode #100: Women In Leadership: Lessons from A Retired Chief of Police with Janet Davis
Listen To This Episode: Welcome to the 100th episode of the Mindset First podcast! I’m so excited to have reached this milestone and share with you this week someone I met a few years back when I was still...
Episode #99: The Real Reason You Get Off Track & Abandon Your Goals
Listen To This Episode: This past weekend I attended a conference in Orlando where I had the honor of delivering the keynote speech on redefining success and optimizing your business. But before I ever began...
Episode #98: Adding Digital Products as A Service Provider: Identifying the Right Move for You with Katie Hunt
Listen To This Episode: As a service provider who directly works with clients one-on-one, the time in exchange for money game can get tiring. But should you add digital products to help you create other...
Episode #97: Do You Really Want to Grow: Unconscious Commitments to Less
Listen To This Episode On this week’s episode of the Mindset First Podcast, I tackle an important topic - unconscious commitments. The reality is that many business owners will say they want next level growth in...
Episode #96: The Importance of Owning Your Voice In Making An Impact
Listen To This Episode: On this week’s podcast episode, I dive into the topic of owning your voice in making an impact. I think these days as our personal lives and business lives blend more and more as...
Episode #95: When No One Looks Like You: A Powerful Success Story with Samar Owais
Listen To This Episode: So, how do you succeed in business when no one else looks like you in your industry. That’s the question my guest Samar Owais tackles on today - she is a self described brown, Hijabi...
Episode #94: How Growth Mindset Becomes Fixed Around Business Growth
Listen To This Episode: A few years ago, Carol Dweck introduced the idea of growth mindset versus fixed mindset in her appropriately named book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. She...
Episode #93: Secrets to Scaling Your Business with A Team
Listen To This Episode: One of the first things you’ll hear from experts about scaling your business is that you need a team. But where do you start? Who do you hire first? And how do you find the money to make...
Episode #92: I’ll Work On This Later & Other Mindset Traps That Halt Success
Listen To This Episode: It’s easy to push business strategies off to the side - especially when life and business get busy. You tell yourself you’ll get to it later, only to push ideas off to the side repeatedly...
Episode #91: Perfect your pre-launch strategy to get more sales with Ash Chow
Listen To This Episode: When it comes to launching your products or services, there is a ton of talk in the marketing world about what you should do during your launch to maximize your sales. But there is this...
Episode #100: Women In Leadership: Lessons from A Retired Chief of Police with Janet Davis
Listen To This Episode: Welcome to the 100th episode of the Mindset First podcast! I’m so excited to have reached this milestone and share with you this week someone I met a few years back when I was still...
Episode #99: The Real Reason You Get Off Track & Abandon Your Goals
Listen To This Episode: This past weekend I attended a conference in Orlando where I had the honor of delivering the keynote speech on redefining success and optimizing your business. But before I ever began...
Episode #98: Adding Digital Products as A Service Provider: Identifying the Right Move for You with Katie Hunt
Listen To This Episode: As a service provider who directly works with clients one-on-one, the time in exchange for money game can get tiring. But should you add digital products to help you create other...
Episode #97: Do You Really Want to Grow: Unconscious Commitments to Less
Listen To This Episode On this week’s episode of the Mindset First Podcast, I tackle an important topic - unconscious commitments. The reality is that many business owners will say they want next level growth in...
Episode #96: The Importance of Owning Your Voice In Making An Impact
Listen To This Episode: On this week’s podcast episode, I dive into the topic of owning your voice in making an impact. I think these days as our personal lives and business lives blend more and more as...
Episode #95: When No One Looks Like You: A Powerful Success Story with Samar Owais
Listen To This Episode: So, how do you succeed in business when no one else looks like you in your industry. That’s the question my guest Samar Owais tackles on today - she is a self described brown, Hijabi...
Episode #94: How Growth Mindset Becomes Fixed Around Business Growth
Listen To This Episode: A few years ago, Carol Dweck introduced the idea of growth mindset versus fixed mindset in her appropriately named book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. She...
Episode #93: Secrets to Scaling Your Business with A Team
Listen To This Episode: One of the first things you’ll hear from experts about scaling your business is that you need a team. But where do you start? Who do you hire first? And how do you find the money to make...
Episode #92: I’ll Work On This Later & Other Mindset Traps That Halt Success
Listen To This Episode: It’s easy to push business strategies off to the side - especially when life and business get busy. You tell yourself you’ll get to it later, only to push ideas off to the side repeatedly...
Episode #91: Perfect your pre-launch strategy to get more sales with Ash Chow
Listen To This Episode: When it comes to launching your products or services, there is a ton of talk in the marketing world about what you should do during your launch to maximize your sales. But there is this...