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Episode #128: Shifting the Belief of I’m Broken (Going Within)
https://traffic.libsyn.com/lindamperry/Episode_3_Im_Broken.mp3 When you carry the feeling that you’re broken, you can think that you will feel that way forever. Or at least that you will feel that way anytime anything bad happens to you. But the truth is that...
About Linda M. Perry
I’m a Master Life Coach with certifications from the Ford Institute, established by best selling author and teacher Debbie Ford, and from the Levin Life Coach Academy. I am also the lead business instructor for the Levin Life Coach Academy where I teach life coaches how to build a profitable life coach business.

About Linda M. Perry

I’m a Master Life Coach with certifications from the Ford Institute, established by best selling author and teacher Debbie Ford, and from the Levin Life Coach Academy. I am also the lead business instructor for the Levin Life Coach Academy where I teach life coaches how to build a profitable life coach business.