Help Your Audience Achieve Big Things  

So Attendees Don’t Just Learn. They Implement.
linda m perry speaking on stage with balloons behind her

Your attendees are ready for a breakthrough. Let’s give it to them.

Every attendee who signs up and makes it to your event is excited and ready to learn. But are they ready to take action?

The truth is all the best speakers in the world won’t get your people results if they are coming to your event with every single one of their mental blocks in tow.

(Which they are.)

You know what I’m talking about. Going to a conference, taking notes like a mad man (or woman), and then going home and not doing a darn thing with any of it except feel bad a few months down the road.

You don’t want that for your people. You want them to feel like your event is what sparked REAL change in their entrepreneurial journey.

That’s where I come in.

We work with small-to-midsize companies to help them find a long-term solution to the things that cause you to plateau and it all begins with understanding how you and your team are motivated to help you create better goals, improve communication and lead with strength. Hi. I’m Linda Perry and I show entrepreneurs how mindset can single-handedly change their business.

As a Master Mindset Coach, I don’t talk about how to use the latest tech, marketing strategy, or branding trend.

I offer dynamic lessons and tools that your audience can use right away to unleash your success. I address the mindset stories we tell ourselves that hold us back from:

    • Going after our goals
    • Taking real action on what we learn at conferences (I actually love going first at a conference to set the tone!)
    • Achieving those wild, out-there goals we all secretly have (but won’t admit)

    And the best part . . .I offer practical advice that goes beyond positive thinking, self-care and mantras – because after a few minutes . . .they just don’t work!

    To request a copy of the full video, please fill out the contact form below.

    Keynotes and Workshops That Create Progress

    blue outline drawing of an open book

    Stories that Steal Your Success
    (and how to rewrite the narrative)

    Perfect For:

    Online entrepreneurs, marketers, small business owners, creative entrepreneurs, and people in corporate or sales trying to reach the next level

    Dynamic Takeaways:

    • Identify your mindset blocks
    • Separate fact from fiction inside your head so you can change your stories and start to move forward
    • Uncover and shift your beliefs around your mindset blocks
    • Determine the opportunities to change your mindset
    blue ink drawing outline of a person with their finger held up

    Build a Better Success Map

    Perfect For:

    Creative entrepreneurs, small business owners, and new freelancers.

    Dynamic Takeaways:

    • Understand the psychology behind a real vision and how it can help change your life and business so you get exactly what you want
    • Learn how to access your vision despite any mindset blocks you may have
    • Breakdown the 4-Step Success Map Process
    • Create action steps that course-correct what you’re currently doing in order to move closer to your goals
    blue ink drawing outline of a person with their finger held up

    The Unbreakable Marriage:
    Mindset & Strategy

    Perfect For:

    Small business owners, entrepreneurs, creative entrepreneurs, marketers, freelancers, corporate leaders, and sales teams.

    Dynamic Lessons:

    • How your mindset stops you from tuning into the signals that drive greater success.
    • Why reducing the noise in your head will help you improve your business strategies
    • Understanding how these same fears, doubts and beliefs are impacting your customer (and the strategies you can use to create buy in)
    • How to use a Mindset First ™ approach to generate leads and revenue.

    A Little Bit More About Me . . .

    I was your classic check-the-box kinda gal who believed that once you ticked off all the boxes, success would be guaranteed.

    • Graduated law school with honors
    • Got married to the “right” guy and had two kids by 32
    • Became a Federal Criminal Defense attorney trying cases all around the United States

    It was all supposed to be perfect. But it wasn’t.

    I was miserable, terrified people would find out I was a fraud- worse yet- I kept bumping up against the same limitations- so that the success I wanted always remained out of reach.

    Sound a little too familiar? (or sound just like your attendees?)

    Well, instead of hoping that the things I was doing would bring me success, I discovered a coach who showed me how to build the confidence and courage I needed to stand out and own my true value.

    To stop what I was doing and go after what I really wanted.

    And that’s what I can do for your event’s people.

    black and white photo of linda m perry speaking on stage

    Whether Your People Want To:

    • Bust through a money ceiling
    • Start a new career
    • Finally, stop self-sabotaging
    • Step up as leaders

    My key notes and workshops can get them there.

    And the best part? I make this mindset stuff fun and engaging.

    I take away the scary that comes with this type of thing and leave just the thrill.

    And oh. . . I’m cool under pressure, even when things fall down around me. 🙂

    (hit play below)

    Linda is an incredibly gifted speaker. One of those rare talents who delivers expertise with warmth and relatability, making it easy for those who listen to immediately connect. While speaking at my virtual summit, she made a very complex topic – developing a mindset to overcome fear – easy to understand. My goal for the event was to have coaches deliver high-impact messages that could help women overcome difficult times through inspiring and relevant content, and Linda’s thoughtful intervention really delivered tremendous value and practical steps that our audience will certainly carry with them for life.

    I’ve had the pleasure to host Linda on my podcast, and as a guest expert, teaching my private program students about money mindset and how to overcome the money-blocks. Many of my students had doubts about raising their prices, seeing their value and having money conversations with clients. Linda broke down these “hard to grasp” concepts in a very simple, understandable way and every single student had a breakthrough moment! Linda’s energy and heart make you want to listen to her non-stop and open up in the most authentic, raw ways.

    When it comes to mindset—and speaking about mindset—Linda Perry is one of a kind. Her approach is practical, thought-provoking, and engaging. Audiences respond to that. We’ve had Linda present to our groups multiple times and we’ll do it again because when it comes to the critically important topic of mindset, no one else does it quite like her.

    Tune in to Some of the Podcasts I’ve Appeared On!

    Flow Podcast

    by Hannah Power

    Listen Now

    Plan Simple Podcast

    by Mia Moran
    Listen Now

    The Jens Heitland Show

    by Jens Heitland
    Listen Now

    The Business of Writing Podcast

    by Laura Gale & Rachel Mazza
    Listen Now

    The Copywriter Club Podcast

    by With Kira Hug & Rob Marsh
    Listen Now

    Copywriters Podcast

    by David Garfinkel
    Listen Now

    Be IN Demand

    by Laurie Ann-Murabito
    Listen Now

    The Laura Sprinkle Show

    by Laura Sprinkle
    Listen Now

    Simply Marketing Podcast

    by Alison Teare
    Listen Now


    by Jurgen Strauss
    Listen Now

    Want more information or schedule me for an event?

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